Custom Orthotics for Pain Relief: How They Help Relieve Foot, Knee, and Back Pain

Do your feet ache halfway through your day, or does your back throb after standing too long? Many people experience these common discomforts, but few realize that custom orthotics for pain relief may be the solution they need. At Movement Chiropractic, we’ve seen firsthand how foot misalignments can lead to knee pain, hip discomfort, or even persistent lower back pain. The good news? Custom orthotics don’t just mask the pain—they address its root cause.

The Foot-Back Connection: Why Your Feet Matter More Than You Think

Studies have shown that foot misalignments, including flat feet and plantar fasciitis, can contribute to discomfort in the knees, hips, and spine. Research published in the Journal of Foot and Ankle Research found that custom orthotics significantly reduce pain and improve function in patients with foot-related conditions such as plantar fasciitis, a common cause of heel pain (Al-Bimani et al., 2017)​. This realignment helps reduce strain on joints, improving overall mobility.

How Custom Orthotics Can Help

Here’s how custom orthotics target various issues:

  1. Plantar Fasciitis: By cushioning and supporting your arches, custom orthotics relieve the painful inflammation in the plantar fascia.
  2. Knee Pain: Orthotics realign your feet to prevent your knees from bearing the brunt of misalignment.
  3. Flat Feet: Custom orthotics restore natural arch support, reducing stress on your legs and lower back.
  4. Ankle Stability: Orthotics help improve ankle alignment, especially after sprains, preventing further injuries.
  5. Back Pain: By stabilizing your feet, custom orthotics support your entire body, reducing strain on your lower back.
How Orthotics work?

Real Solutions for Real People

At Movement Chiropractic, we’ve seen how these seemingly small corrections can make a big difference in our patients’ lives. When combined with chiropractic care, custom orthotics for pain relief provide comprehensive support, offering long-lasting relief from foot, knee, and back pain.

Whether you’re an athlete, a busy professional, or someone who just wants to enjoy walking without pain, custom orthotics for pain relief could be the solution you’ve been missing.

Why Wait? Relief is Just One Step Away

Every step on unsupported feet adds strain to your body. Don’t let foot pain continue to control your life. Book a consultation with Movement Chiropractic today, and we’ll create a personalized solution using custom orthotics for pain relief, paired with expert chiropractic care.

Click here to schedule your appointment and take the first step toward a pain-free future.


  1. Cambron JA, Dexheimer JM, Duarte M, Freels S. Shoe Orthotics for the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2017 Sep;98(9):1752-1762. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2017.03.028. Epub 2017 Apr 30. PMID: 28465224.

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The information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for any health concerns. For more details, please read our full Medical Disclaimer.

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